
What I Learned from Painting my Fifteen-Year-Old Son’s Nursery

What I Learned from Painting my Fifteen-Year-Old Son’s Nursery

How do you freeze time without stifling growth? Isn't that every parent's question? How do you cling to every unique piece of their childhood yet avoid stunting the very thing you have invested your whole heart into nurturing? For me, it was just a room….and also, it was a fork in the road, and I knew what was at stake with my choice. I had some ideas, but they finally came together one afternoon while hanging out with my insanely talented photographer friend, Neely. We shared hopes and fears about how we felt our life, family, and businesses shifting. Her...

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When Poop Falls from Asbury

When Poop Falls from Asbury

It's such a tiny space in the rafters of our patio roof--barely enough room to hide the smart plug and extension cord that light up my Mood Swing.  It was a boring stucco wall where I have my quiet time outside, so I grabbed a cheap canvas and painted my vision of what following Jesus looks like--and my favorite quote from Jill Brisco:  "All the Way Home."   I've written more about the painting here, but basically, it's a reminder to carry our cross all the way home, even when we're tired, even when we want a break, even when we...

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The Tricks of Time

The Tricks of Time

Time is tricky. It presents itself as the ultimate equalizer. No matter who you are, where you live, or how many resources you have…we all have the same number of hours in our day. How we use those hours and minutes, however, sends us on vastly different trajectories.    As I processed my emotions—painting over Asher’s nursery… time inevitably felt cruel and treacherous. . Wasn’t it just last week that I stretched my weary back as my 34-week pregnancy belly and swollen feet stepped back to admire the rainforest I didn’t know I could paint until it was finished? The...

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Awkward, Secret Love Dance

Awkward, Secret Love Dance

A wise friend once told me: "everybody's plate is full.  Some people just have smaller plates."    This week our plates feel like they are spilling over.  I could list everything; it would shock and overwhelm some people, while others would say, "oh, you should hear MY week…." it isn't a contest, so I will say:  whatever size our family plate may be, it doesn't feel like it's quite big enough for our yeses this week.  The tipping point is that after 15 years, we are redoing Asher's room.   *Psychologically prepare for a blog on the horizon that will...

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Stressed and Tired have always been a Christmas Theme

Stressed and Tired have always been a Christmas Theme

In my devotional I read: Mary must have been utterly exhausted. Joseph was certainly deeply stressed. Christmas BEGAN with overwhelmed parents. I wrestle with the fact that God created the scenario where His chosen would be heavy and burdened and inconvenienced to say the least. And also, 100% in the middle of His perfect plan. Can we go here? In some ways God left them at the end of their best efforts, at the end of obedience, at the end of doing everything right: birthing a child they didn’t even create, in a barn. The first Christmas. Stressed, tired, overwhelmed,...

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